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Video Wall Surveillance With Digital Signage

Videowall in control room

Control room is the element of information display system. it is a large screen that allows graphic display and video information obtained from various sources in a multi-window mode. several displays can simultaneously view the data displayed on screens   

The video wall for the control room is a multi-screen display system for a variety of data: graphs, diagrams, electronic maps, diagrams, etc. The use of modular structures allows you to configure the video wall according to certain parameters of the room in the building. The expansion of modules makes it possible to assemble screens with a higher resolution, thereby providing the highest informative capacity, which is so necessary in the work of dispatch services. Thanks to remote access, including wireless, you can control the video wall from anywhere in the control center.

Video wall - the core of the control room

The core of the control room is a screen for collective use (multi-screen), which is usually implemented in the form of a video wall assembled from video cubes, or, in some cases, from thin-seam LCD panels. The split screen is controlled by the controller. The modular principle allows you to create video walls of arbitrarily large sizes in accordance with customer requirements. There are video walls with an area of ​​tens and even hundreds of square meters. The only limitation is that the dimensions of the video wall must be a multiple of the dimensions of the elements (cubes or LCD panels) from which the split screen is assembled. In a normal situation, the video wall displays information in a sufficiently detailed form that characterizes the control object as a whole. On the split screen, you can show mnemonic diagrams, schedules, measurement results coming from control and accounting and signal equipment, maps of the area, organize information windows from video surveillance cameras, display an image received via videoconferencing, demonstrate graphs, tables, etc. In an emergency situation, the video wall automatically or at the command of the dispatcher switches to another mode of operation – the critical section of the object is shown on a large scale so that dispatchers can quickly respond to the situation.

Special requirements for a video wall for control rooms

The specific requirements for a shared screen (video wall) always depend on the specific area in which it is supposed to be used – what matters, first of all, is the size of the video wall, its resolution, as well as the number and type of output sources. However, requirements often differ within the same application. It is for this reason that it is especially important to have a flexible and customizable solution.

Based on the requirements for a video wall, the following imaging technologies can be proposed:

  • Video wall assembled from several projection modules
  • Video wall assembled from several seamless LCD panels
  • Video wall assembled from LED modules
  • Image Uniformity
  • High reliability
  • Ability to work continuously 24/7/365

Output as detailed information as possible, instant response to emergencies and quick resolution of problems in emergency situations

Advanced control and management options

Intelligent display system with special features, such as the possibility of scenario control of alarms, pre-definition of output layouts, operating modes, etc.

  • Joint problem solving
  • Simultaneous display of various data
  • Ability to display a wide variety of signal sources / information / scenarios
The optimal solution in control rooms when building a video wall

Graphic video walls based on projection modules (video cubes) are the optimal solution for building a multi-screen system in control rooms that require round-the-clock uninterrupted operation of equipment. Each projection module is a full-fledged means of displaying information, and due to the high basic resolution, a system built from several modules generally has a large information capacity.

The modular principle of building video walls allows you to create an optimal configuration and, if necessary, expand the system. On the graphic wall, it is possible to implement flexible scenarios for displaying information. For example, in the normal mode of operation of the system, you can display generalized information about the state of the system, and in the event of an accident, in one auxiliary window, large and detailed display of the problem area, and in the other, a description of a predetermined algorithm of personnel actions in an emergency situation. On the video wall, you can organize windows of information from CCTV cameras and television broadcast channels, display an image received via video conferencing, graphics, tables in real time, etc.

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