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How Digital Signage Is Environment Friendly

Digital signage is actively used all over the world, including in Pakistan. Digital signage solutions are more economical, environmentally friendly and flexible than other forms of communication.

Does this idea seem strange to you? It would seem, what relation multimedia monitors have to ecology. Really straight! The use of displays for advertising and information dissemination saves a lot of natural resources and reduces air pollution. Don’t believe?

If we consider digital signage as a tool for interacting with the consumer, then it is worth noting the main advantage – digital signage combines online and offline communication channels into a single system. That is, video panels located in public areas and points of sale continue the company’s content strategy on the Internet (on the website, social networks, etc.).

Communication with the consumer creates an emotional connection with your brand, so the information that is broadcast is the most important component of the digital signage system. Content marketing experts argue that when implementing a system, it is necessary to initially imagine how the implemented technologies will be used, therefore, when developing a solution, it is necessary to involve not only engineers, but also a specialist who deals with communications with the public and the company’s brand.

  • For every 11.4 employees in the US alone, a ton of paper is used per year (approximately 175 pounds per worker), in terms of the entire country, this amounts to 21 million tons.
  • In the same America, 750,000 photocopies are made per minute (their total number reaches 400 billion copies per year). Let’s count:
  • The share of paper in US landfills is 25%, and even a continuous increase in the volume of its processing is not able to correct the situation. 70% of waste in enterprises is paper.
  • By the end of the day, a huge amount of paper with printed documents (45%) is thrown into the trash, while another 30% remains in printers.
  • When paper and ink decompose, various harmful substances are released: methane and other gases that pollute the soil, water, and air. 
  • Despite all efforts to preserve forests, their number on the planet is constantly decreasing, which affects climate change, the composition of the atmosphere, and increases the erosion of the upper layers of the soil.
  • In the US alone, companies spend more than $120 million a year on paper (not counting disposal and ink costs).
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