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4 Benefits Of Using Digital Screens For Indoor And Outdoor Advertising


What is digital LED billboards and advertising screens?

LED-panel is an information playback device, the image on the surface of which is formed by a plurality of semiconductor light-emitting diodes located on the screen surface. LED panels are used for advertising in order to create a bright lighting space for promotional materials and posters. Placement options are wide – integration into the interior, mounting in separate racks.

  1. Creative demonstration of work: Thanks to digital screens for indoor advertising, it is possible to demonstrate your product or service to customers.
  2. To attract attention: The digital format of screens is the most attractive in comparison with leaflets or flyers and even billboards. The ability to play high-quality video attracts the largest number of customers.
  3. Saving: Eliminates the significant cost of paper printing.
  4. Flexibility: Possibility to change any kind of content up to several hours.

What are the features of LED advertising monitors ?

  1. They are compatible with most digital content formats- They allow you to play animation, photo, slide show, and many other formats.
  2. Ability to create large projects- By combining clusters into a single large screen, you can create a single monitor of complex configuration.
  3. Versatility- These monitors are UV-resistant, mechanically tolerant, having good rigidity, no protection is needed.
  4. High detail content- play video without any delay, the image is perfectly visible from any corner of the room.
  5. Convenience- LED panels do not require close maintenance, it is enough just to take care of the cleanliness of the front part.

Let’s analyze the main types of digital screens for indoor advertising.

Types of digital screens for indoor advertising

Today, the digital business display market boasts the widest range of displays for dynamic digital signage. There are standard classic display formats, there are unusual ones, as well as individual ones that each business can order for themselves. Each digital screen manufacturer has its own design features and can offer something interesting and unique for any kind of business.

Multimedia wall screen for indoor advertising. This is an LCD monitor, usually hung on the wall. Universal screen , which is perfect for any type of HoReCa and retail. Has a wide range of screen sizes from 19 to 55 inches, usually landscape format. A professional monitor for Digital Signage is prepared for displaying advertisements and informational videos 24/7, and can also be used as a TV screen. To protect against vandalism, the front of the monitor is made of special tempered glass, which, unlike plexiglass, resists scratches. Different types of mounts can allow you to mount the screens also on the ceiling or at different angles.


Freestanding LCD digital screens. These are special digital racks standing on the floor. Usually vertical format, reminiscent of large smartphones. Great for hotel lobbies, shopping malls, exhibitions, large open spaces where there is no way to place screens on the walls. They have sizes from 32 to 75 inches. The case is usually thinner compared to outdoor screens. They often have a wide viewing angle so that the image on the screen can be seen wherever a person is. May be double sided.

Digital menu boards. A great option to give any catering establishment a modern look and attract the attention of customers. Digital menus are usually located above the cash registers, contain the main menu of the establishment, promotions, combo sets and other information that stimulates the purchase. Can be portrait and landscape orientation. Often located next to each other to represent a single space. Here, digital screens with a very narrow frame will be most appropriate. One screen can be from 32 to 55 inches. Can be hung on the ceiling, wall or table.

Touch interactive screens. They are digital screens with the possibility of interaction , which greatly expands the possibilities of brand communication with the user. It can help users find a product, order an out-of-stock item, find their way, or see the details of a promotion being offered. Can be positioned vertically and horizontally. They can be hung on the wall or placed on a stand on the floor. Like classic screens, they can be from 15 to 55 inches in diagonal.

Free standing digital kiosk. The touch kiosk has a wide range of useful functions, such as providing information, navigation, feedback, entertainment, and the ability for the consumer to independently familiarize himself with the characteristics of the product. It is a stand-alone digital interactive screen, most often standing at a convenient angle for convenient adult interaction. They are often placed in shopping malls, airports, car dealerships, theme parks, showrooms, hotel lobbies. Can be from 10 to 55 inches diagonally.

Buyer’s POS display. They are digital tablets of a small size, which are installed directly at the point of sale and purchase of goods. For example, at the checkout of a store. With the help of a POS monitor , you can show a relevant product to a person who is buying now, evaluate the quality of service, show relevant promotions and advertisements for certain categories of goods. The size is usually like standard tablets from 10 to 15 inches.

Shelf displays. New POS placement format. These are specially elongated small digital displays placed between the shelves in the store. Manufacturers can sell displays individually or as a complete showcase. Many foreign retailers have already abandoned the classic placement of price tags on store shelves, now this can be done using digital means, which allows you to speed up the process of changing prices, prices can be changed instantly even during the day, which greatly facilitates and reduces the amount of work for merchandisers. On shelf displays, you can place various promotions on goods, as well as display suitable advertising.

High brightness digital showcase. These are bright screens that are often placed indoors on the walls, replacing classic posters and posters, or in the windows of a store so that ads from these displays can be seen by those passing on the street. It is important for them that the glare of the sun does not hide part of the information, so the screens are made specially with increased brightness so that they can be clearly seen in any weather or under any indoor lighting. Most often portrait orientation and have a large size from 43 to 75 inches. In addition, they can be double-sided so that information is displayed both outside in windows and inside the room.

Digital pillar. A simple and easy to use 32″ to 43″ A-frame digital display that is easy to display, fold and carry to any desired location. Many manufacturers of such pillars offer different options for painting and frame design. They may have anti-vandalism and anti-reflective glass. Ideal for gas stations, retail outlets, restaurants and cafes, banks.

Self-service digital terminal . Automated self-ordering and payment system, most commonly used in the catering sector. Such a digital kiosk with a built-in terminal and a thermal printer allows you to speed up the ordering process, reduce queues at the checkout, waiting time, increasing customer loyalty and the total number of purchases. Usually created on the basis of a 27-inch vertical touch screen. Often equipped with very durable glass with the possibility of up to 10 simultaneous touches. While the kiosk is not in use, it may display advertisements, promotions and other informational content for visitors.

Other digital terminals and displays for indoor advertising. We have reviewed the most popular types of digital monitors for indoor advertising. However, the indoor advertising market does not stand still, new and more interesting formats of offline digital interaction with people appear. For example, wall-mounted sanitizers with a digital screen began to appear on the market. While the visitor is disinfecting his hands, he can watch an advertisement on a small digital monitor (22 inches) or familiarize himself with the rules of visiting. Another example would be digital thermometer screens that measure the temperature of an incoming person and signal an excess of the norm.

In fact, digital displays can be built anywhere and come in a variety of formats: long, tall, small, huge, curved. Everything is limited only by the imagination of the manufacturer and the demand of the indoor market. Most manufacturers of digital screens are ready to develop individual solutions for the needs of their client.

Examples of using digital video screens for indoor advertising:

  1. Screens are placed for various business purposes – sales, discounts. Now there is no need to spend on printing leaflets and flyers, it is enough to install a smart digital screen on which the content will change dynamically. 
  2. In a cafe, it becomes an effective menu board with the ability to quickly change prices. You can notify the visitor about seasonal promotions or offer a dish of the day.
  3. For small stores, it is possible to install such a screen in the checkout area, then buyers will be aware of all discounts and promotions, and this will also stimulate the conversion to a specific product. 
  4. For a chain of stores, it is possible to place a single promotion in one click throughout the chain of stores.
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