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Top 10 Benefits Of Digital Signage In Today’s Franchise Environment

digital signage in franchise


perhaps for the first time since the 1950s, the retail and restaurant franchise environment is now undergoing a huge transformation. Trade trackers, geolocators, and increased integration of digital/conventional and building solutions mean that owners need to be as tech-savvy as they are sales-savvy.

Much of this discussion is about how best to utilize the benefits of digital signage. With the demand, opportunities, benefits and declining cost of digital screens, this option is becoming increasingly popular with franchise owners.


1.Minimizes expected waiting time

One of the best things you can do to improve your customer experience is to entertain them. The digital screen gives them something to do – much less tedious queuing if you have something to watch. As a result, the perceived waiting time is reduced.

2. Run ads that are time sensitive

The production time for printed advertising is at least six weeks. For most restaurant franchises, this is even more so. But digital signage is connected to the internet, meaning fresh ads can be posted just as easily as posting on social media. It also means:

You can run social media feeds, weather forecast, blog posts – anything you can put on a website.

You can only post relevant and local ads (because you don’t rely on a national brand to send you additional content)

3. New creative is inexpensive

Compared to traditional printed signage, new digital signage is much less expensive to develop and deploy. This means you can run more targeted local marketing campaigns. Your digital marketing plan can now take into account local events as well. For example, you can create two ads based on the result of a local football game and then run the corresponding ad.

4. You can run relevant ads based on the time of day or day of the week

Advertising breakfast at breakfast time, for example if you work in the restaurant business. Alternatively, if you have a clothing retail franchise, you can advertise with a raincoat on rainy days and sunglasses on sunny days.

5. Digital signage increases sales

The report showed that digital signage increases sales by almost 30% in the retail business. In terms of digital marketing tactics, it’s hard for the potential customer to ignore digital signage, as it gets the person’s attention effortlessly which results in a curious customer looking for more information and eventually deciding to purchase.

6. Digital signage can be interactive
You can use digital signage to interact with your customers and thus learn more about them – Data Driven Marketing. For example, you can run a social promotion where customers can sign up for an email newsletter in exchange for a discount. Waiting in line with your smartphone is the best time to deliver that message to customers.
7. You can double your marketing efforts with online content and digital signage

Most of the major franchised brands, from Krispy Kreme to McDonald’s, are producing far more digital marketing content both nationally and locally than ever offline. With digital signage, you can leverage and reuse that creative work, updating in-store marketing materials quickly and efficiently.

8. You can quickly test and refine your marketing tactics

Because you can place and remove various advertisements with the click of a button, you can test which marketing messages work best in a very efficient way. Over time, you will be able to hone your digital marketing strategy accordingly.

9. Reduces administrative costs

Installing digital signage can be expensive, but you’ll save money in the long run by reducing printing and administration costs. As a one-time expense, digital signage equipment is generally considered an investment and is covered from your operating budget, not your marketing budget. What’s more, there are no printing costs.

In addition, digital administration can be performed by one person from the center. So if you have 10 franchises, you can upgrade them all at once. If one person updates it, it’s easier to manage and you can be sure it’s been done to brand standards. Compared to new print coordination, digital signage:

  1. Faster and easier
  2. Creates a more consistent brand experience across all franchises
  3. Easier to comply with changing rules.
10. Digital signage allows video

Videos are much more interesting than stills. Digital signage makes it possible to use the hypnotizing power of video to capture the attention of customers. Even simple animations, such as still image pause and zoom effects, make browsing more interesting.

Think your franchise could benefit from these digital screens? Contact us and we’ll get started designing an attractive digital signage plan for your franchise!

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